Thursday 2 January 2014

2 days in...

Being the start of a New Year like most people my head is full of ideas and goals 
and projects I'd like to tackle. 
I've had quite a few ideas of things I'd like to blog about, I was looking forward to the start of this New Year... but would you believe it, I've had the worst couple days so far, 
2 days in and everything that could go wrong seems to have...

I would have probably dropped the ball if I hadn't already promised myself to complete this photo challenge AND to blog a little every day.. I cant let it steer me away from my goal.

So here are the first 2 days of the Photo a day Challenge

Day 1. Lunch 

(Apple - A healthy choice.. that and actually the house is a little bare after being away for Christmas)

Day 2. Begins with G

(Gum Trees and Garden paths on our evening walk)

Here's hoping the week picks up :-)

1 comment:

  1. good to see you are seeing the positives! apple very good choice :)
