Friday, 24 January 2014

She's Rollin'

Yesterday I dressed Lacey in her 'super baby' onesie. She must have felt extra special because then out of no-where She ROLLED OVER!.. 
As a mummy these little milestones are very exciting. 
I was just giving her some tummy time and noticed that she was really trying to roll.. I grabbed my camera (which is never far away) and she just did it.. first time.

My clever little Super Baby.

She also decided she could put her dummy in and out which was very cute.


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Just do what you can today!

I've had A LOT going on this last week, and just haven't been able to justify the time to sit down at the computer to record a post. I haven't been able to do it from my phone either, because well I've been having trouble with it.. again
 (storey of my life it seems LOLSo this has also meant that, I'm behind in my "photo a day" pics for January as it hasn't been letting me.

I have finally come to know that, I'm pretty much never going to catch up on past posts because life always keeps moving forward and doesn't stay still or wait for you (DUH)

Today I allowed myself to stop - record the now & move on, I wont get held up on the fact that I've missed out on posts I wanted to do and photos I wanted to record, but it's OK! and if for some reason I get more "Spare Time" :-) I will go back and finish the others.

So today's picture is simply ...

 Oh wait this record couldn't be complete with out some reminders to myself, 
of what beautiful little spirits my children are & we are so very lucky to have them....
NO Sleep and ALL!!! :-)


Friday, 17 January 2014

Teeeny Tiny Tails...

Our baby girl's hair is now long enough to put most of it up in a tiny baby pony tail. 
I love it because when her crazy hair is away from her face, you can see how beautiful she is ... also you get to see her super blonde roots.

I must admit I never thought I would have a little blonde hair blue eyed baby but 
am loving it.. we are not sure if she will stay blonde, but will enjoy it while it lasts.
Enjoying some Sofie Giraffe time & Happy baby post nap hair.


Monday, 13 January 2014

Peeling Pods ... WHAAT?

I've come to realise that this particular time in our lives is one step forward and two steps back. I'm happy to say that today was one of those forwards steps kind of day, nothing big or super special, things just went smoothly which was a nice change.

Something that made me smile today was spending some one on one time with Carter. So  after daddy came home from work he stayed in and settled baby Lacey for me and I took Carter out for a walk to burn off some energy before bed (as he'd had a late nap)

The weather had cooled down so it was a nice evening. We first played with some bubbles which are always a crowd pleaser. Then took a short walk up and down the street. I had wanted to get him to walk further so he would be super tired :-) but he had found some kind of flower pods on the ground and was determined to sit and peel them all, he spent like 15-20 mins at least. I literally couldn't get him to do anything else once he found these. 

 He was so focused on them it was quite amusing really. 

I'll have to remember these little things when I need him to sit still in future. 
I should collect some up and keep in a jar lol...


Sunday, 12 January 2014


You've probably heard these quotes before many times, and usually in a joking manner, 
However when you really think about it, they really do make sense and are so true.

We are tried and tested so many times through-out our life, that's just the way life is and just like a muscle in the body, in order for it to grow stronger and be bigger & better you have to work it out and allow it to stretch beyond normal everyday usage. 
(excuse my lame Anatomy lesson, I'm sure you get what I mean)

It then rests and finds a way to repair its self and become stronger than it was previously.... 
I believe that those tests and trials we come across are also to make US stronger.

But when the storms pass, you see the brighter tomorrow.

A little reminder for myself.... I Hope this helps someone else today too.


Saturday, 11 January 2014

Photo a day update

Here is the latest pics from the 'January Photo a day Challenge', as mentioned in an earlier post of mine. (read here) 

Day 3. My Town
Main Street of Epping, not to interesting but didn't get anywhere else that day.

Day 4. Word to live by
Says it all

Day 5. Found
Missed this day, didn't find anything new.

Day 6. Happens every day
Read, Watch or Play 'StarWars' in our house.

Day 7. Upside Down
The things we do for a photo! lol

Day 8. Lucky Number
Also missed this day. Couldn't find a lucky number

Day 9. Natural 
My baby girl is a 'Natural' Beauty

Day 10. Man Made
'Pizza' night in our house this day

Day 11. looking down
reading to the kiddies, looking down at the book and their cute hands and feet.


Friday, 10 January 2014

Looking forward to a new day.

In trying to keep up with my commitment, just a small post today.

 A couple thoughts on how I feel about the last 2 days

Images thanks to google

Going to put today to bed, and start again tomorrow. :-)

That is all 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Luna Park Fun Day!

So today we headed off to check out Luna Park for the morning with some good friends. 
I hadn't actually been to the Sydney Luna park since, Ryan and I were dating so that is at least 6 or 7 years ago.. :-) its changed a bit since then. 
I must say the kids had a fun time but it sure is hard work with 2 year olds.

Had to get a quick family pic out front, and would you believe Carter finds a big puddle as soon as we get in and of course has a great time stomping around in it!...
(you really don't need to spend much money on kids sometimes, a puddle of water or a cardboard box would do it. hahaha)

We headed into the Coney Island section, although I was a little disappointed at the amount available for the little ones in there (they didn't really advise this on the ticket purchase).. the big hit was the giant slides. Carter LOVED THEM!!!.. he seems to have no fear this kid. He would sit on Ryan's or my lap and squeal with delight... or maybe it was mummy squealing because it was pretty big. haha

There was a fun Mirror Maze too which he loved especially when there were other kids running around in there.... and lots of arcade games which he was too little for but had fun trying them out anyway. He has his dads love for racing cars.

"Daddy I  need some money to play Star Wars"
What is a day at the fair with out an Ice cream. Carter and his bestie finished off 
the day with a huge Ice cream...

To say he enjoyed his special treat ice cream, is an understatement!!!
We let Carter choose which ice cream he wanted as a special treat, and he ate it so fast we could barely get some of it, on minute it was a huge scoop the next almost gone!... lol He really does have his daddy's taste for ice cream.

  Later that day, Ryan was getting ready to go for a ride and carter wanted to be involved. How cute are these matching boys.

Hi-5's for helmets and matching shirts. LOL

Trying out Daddy's bike and then his own, which he still cant reach the pedals on just yet! lol... Love the helmet.. My motto is always 'SAFETY FIRST'!!!

I'm dreading next week as Ryan has to go back to work, its been great him being home this week, especially since Lacey has been such hard work.. our kids are a real 2 man job at the moment.. I am hoping the common phrase 'it will pass' comes true.. SOON!

We had a lovely day out though and I am loving looking over our photos!


Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Evening Walks & Cute Kids

One of the best things about me committing to a January challenge (you can read about it here) for myself, is that it helps me to look for & focus on something positive everyday.  I want to be sure to complete a post every day and want it to be happy & positive so when I look back on it uplifts me and my family. 
I also want to be able to share photos and whats happening with our family whom we don't see very often. I don't want them to miss out on all the cute stuff out kids do, especially since they are growing soooo fast!

Couldn't resist showing a couple pics of Lacey (4 months old) pony tail and all :-) 
I love Lacey's new Moccasins by 'MommyMakesMoccs' 
(wish they came in my size lol)

So although its been a particularly tough week and another tough day, on the bright side we did manage to go out for a family walk this evening. We took Carter to the Park which he always loves.. and to be sure I would record it, here are a couple mummy son selfies. (just excuse how tired i look!!)

The fun continued when we got home, His smile brightens my day.

Check out his Ninja skills :-)

I hope you enjoyed a little look at out day.

Monday, 6 January 2014

A better day... lets hope it continues.

So I've missed a couple days on here, but finally after a shocking few days with a very unsettled baby, we have a little relief and she has had a better day today. So here I am hanging in there and trying to keep up with my personal Challenge.

Today Ryan took Carter out for a Swim which although I really wanted to get out of the house and into the sunshine, I decided to see if i could get Lacey back into some kind of routine without a noisy 2 year old running around.

It seemed to work, she had a much better day and is more settled tonight (so far) I am hoping she has turned a corner.

No matter what, there is always time for a quick photo or two :-)

Carter & Lacey having a moment this morning. He really is so good with her and that makes me very happy. 
Mummy wasn't allowed to come over, it was just Carters time to chat! lol

We also couldn't be more grateful to our good friends Bec & Rin for lending us this swing, it has really helped.

Carter having a swim in Nanny & Grandpa's pool (Thanks Nanny for the photo!)
He loves the pool and has been doing really well with his swimming.

Oh how cute is this kid!.. Afternoon walk with mummy. 

Friday, 3 January 2014

My Little Picasso! ... LOL

Today was a small milestone for my little man, so I wanted to be sure to record it.
We decided to go and visit Carters best friend Sage this afternoon.  They hadn't seen each other 
since a week or so before christmas. He was so excited to see her, they ran to each other on arrival calling each others name, it was soooo cute to watch.
He is 2 years old and has only today for the first time had the chance to do some actual painting!  
Thanks to Sage & her mummy, he had the opportunity to complete his first painting.

I have been meaning to get him some toddler friendly paints for some time now 
(don't we all know that dreaded "I was meaning to get around to that" 
I am notorious for it) and I guess I was a little worried how messy it would get. 
Happy to know it doesn't have to be too messy if you are prepared.

I don't know who was more excited Carter or Myself.. He took to it like a natural and 
had a wonderful time.
Finished Product

A proud Mummy Moment, Carter and his first Painting!