Sunday, 29 June 2014

What about me?

Last week I had a lovely evening attending our ward Relief Society activity, in which I left feeling uplifted and energised. 

The theme of the night was - "What about Me"? and the goal of the night was to give us suggestions and tips to show us, how we can all find time for ourselves as busy women.

The night had 3-4 main sections, on arrival we were directed to either get a face mask put on or make some 'Heart & Soul' Bath Salts with essential oil. We were encouraged to make the time for a 20 min bath to take some time out for ourselves and to use our home made bath salts.

We then talked about ideas for healthy smoothies, which is a quick option we can have on the go, to help us feel good on the inside, and something we can share with the kids.

We taste tested 2 yummy ones which I was surprised at some of the ingredients and I still enjoyed it.

Following this we moved onto the next major part of the night which was set up as a beautiful beauty therapy room. We discussed stress and the physical effects it can have on our bodies. We discussed the importance of recognising stress in our lives and learning to minimise it. There is all kinds of stress and where some of it can help to drive and motivate us others can drain and wear us down. It makes so much sense to understand stress and what it ACTUALLY does to us, because knowledge is power! If you understand something it gives you much more clarity on why you need to avoid or include some things in your life.

As we were discussing ideas for helping ourselves find a way to relax and reduce stress (at least to reduce the stress reactions) and to look after our bodies inside and out, Tamara was demonstrating a mini facial to the Lucky Lisha. :-) (we were all wishing it was us up on the table hehe)

OH and one really useful tip I took away was about cheap and easy ways to look after your hands. (something I always have trouble with, as they get seriously dry so quickly) was to exfoliate them with a home made (cheap) remedy. It was vegetable oil and rock salt (use the grinder) rub it all over your hands and the wash off... OH MAN... I will just say BABY SMOOTH!.. Seriously you have to try it.. Then follow with Moisturiser. 

The last section of the evening was about Laughter. Again the benefits of it in our life. The old saying "Laughter is the best medicine" is true. It has so many positive impacts on our life. 

Find it hard to laugh?? ... "Fake it till you make it".. Did you know that fake laughing actually has the same physical benefit as 'real' Laughing.. 

We had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Maria from the Hornsby Laughter Club. Yes thats right a laugh club, I must admit i didn't even know these existed :-) but i am so glad I experienced this, it's something you cannot appreciate until you have actually tried it. 
I can say that I felt muscles I never even knew I had, and they got a great work out thats for sure.  
We went through various laughter exercises and by the end, we were all in stitches ..(especially watching each other loosen up and go a little crazy) 

Leearne shared this lovely quote with us which I really liked., by Victor Hugo. (French Poet/Novelist)

The Evening concluded with some delicious food. I can honestly say I felt like I had a huge workout and left feeling energised to look after myself a little more. 

I decided to add a few more quotes i found online about laughter, I hope they bring a smile to your face too.

This one took me back to my high school days. 

Who doesn't love a little Audrey Hepburn


Some benefits of laughter to remember.

Laura :-)

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Toblerone Cheesecake Goodness

Hubby has been asking for a cheesecake this week, and when I saw Toblerone's on sale I jumped at the chance to make a Toblerone Cheesecake. 

I found this Yummy super easy receipe.. and i mean SUPER EASY! (found here)

Toberlone Cheesecake

  • Base
  • 1 cup plain chocolate biscuit crumbs
  • 80g butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup ground almonds
  • Filling
  • 500g block PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 200g TOBLERONE* Milk or Dark Chocolate, melted
  • 1/2 cup thickened cream
  • Topping
  • 200g TOBLERONE* Milk or Dark Chocolate for shaving


  • COMBINE biscuit crumbs, butter and almonds, press into the base of a lightly greased 20cm springform pan. Chill.   
  • BEAT Philly and sugar using an electric mixer until smooth. Beat in the melted Toblerone  and cream until well combined.
  • POUR onto the prepared crumb base and refrigerate 2 to 3 hours until set, or overnight. Serve topped with the Toblerone* shavings

    I love things that are easy and quick. 

    Now my version doesn't look as pretty as the original one (I kind of rushed it in between kids demands) and I did forget to save some chocolate for garnish, but it still tasted good.

    Go on give it a go too! :-)

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Simple Sweet moments from today.

"Enjoy the little things in life, 
for one day you'll look back 
and realise they were big things"

This quote came to my mind tonight, as I sat here looking over the photos of the day.
My heart is full with just a couple small sweet things, which are important to me. 

Today wasn't an exciting day, not much really happened but I am reminded, that I am one lucky lady to have such beautiful and adorable children (of course I am totally biased, but HEY If I'm not who will...)  :-)
So this morning, the kids both came into our bed before breaky and Carter got his hands on the ipad, we sat Lacey next to him and he shared it with his little sister. 

C'MON how cute it this... I especially love the little foot holding up the ipad because he only had one hand. lol

Lacey Seemed more interested in eating the bowl, that or she was SUPER hungry. lol
Carter Cracks me up, reading the junk mail while waiting for his breakfast. 
(Those that know me well, will agree that he is SO my kid! ha ha) 

 Lacey fresh and clean after a bath and then dinner time.. Probably not the best order to do it in. She loves to feed herself which doesn't always make it INSIDE the mouth.

Beautiful Images in my mind & a smile on my face, as I head off to bed.
Good night!!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Change your thinking

Somedays things just click.. things seem to make more sense & perhaps not the first time in your life, but at a time when you just needed it to stand out. 
Today is one of those days ...
Sometimes it just takes the right person, in the right moment, to remind us.

It's sooo true that if you surround yourself with good, uplifting people and do good, uplifting things, it can lift your mood, it can change the way you're feeling and even the way you think... (there's a saying, something like this!) 

Its also a great reminder, that generally we dont have bad days as such, but perhaps bad moments. And that is ok... As long as you can find a way to move past that moment and see the joy in the rest of the day. I guess what I am trying to say is, just change your thinking. 

I'm a visual person, so I enjoy seeing things written down, or explained via an object lesson :-)back when I was working in the office, I would have little post-it-notes all over my desk or printed quotes to help inspire and motivate me throughout the day/week. 
So I figured I would snag some cute quotes off the net and share with others who may be wondering/thinking the same things. 

RIGHT!... Have you ever had these thoughts or feelings?... 
Do you ever hold yourself back or put yourself down by using that terrible word 
My sister once taught me a lesson many years ago, that "Should" isn't something we need in our vocab because it makes us feel bad and gives us unrealistic expectations.. life is what what we make it, not what something "Should be" (if that makes sense??)

Just remember even if you do have a bad day, that tomorrow can be different. Often after those bad days we see good things we didnt see before, but were always there.  

We all know there are often things that happen which we have no control over, But we also know that what we CAN control is how we deal with what happens to us.. that is what builds our character.


So to recap my rantings of today, spend time with people and things that make you happy, turn your thinking around so you recognise a bad moment for what it is, and also find a little something you love or a fun 'project' to squeeze into your day or week. 
This will help you and those around you and those 'bad days' will get less and less. 
your bad moments will pass quicker and you will see that each day does infact bring many beautiful moments of joy 

I hope i've brought a smile to someone today.
Enjoy your day.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Stop & reflect on the good.

Today was one of those days ... you know the ones!... As you are going through the motions, you feel it is a 'FAIL' day ... nothing seems to be going to plan, the kids don't sleep when you want them to, the baby keeps crying and you just don't get done what or how you wanted to. Then before you know it Hubby comes home and you're still a mess and feeling unsuccessful.

But then after the kids went to bed, I took a shower (doesn't that make you feel sooo much better) which also gave me a minute to stop and breath and then I sat down to look at my camera (of course i take pics of the kids almost every day, no matter what is happening lol) 
I smile as I look through the pictures of the day... and I realised that it wasn't such a bad day after all and we did more than I realised!

My gorgeous little boy really is the sweetest thing, he loves his little sister so much and every now and then he takes a break from what ever he is playing, and spends a little time making her smile. She loves to look at up her big brother, and especially loves it when he talks to her or try's to play with her.  (which usually consists of covering her with toys)

I'm so grateful to have these precious photos to reflect on and to remind myself of how blessed I am to have these gorgeous children in my life.

Here are some photos of the successes of today.

Carter entertaining Lacey in the morning.

We decided to take a walk, check out our new local neighbourhood & pick up a few essentials. (was also Lacey's first time in the bottom of the double pram)

Some afternoon baking. Carter was such a big help. 
'Banana flax seed choc chip muffins'  Recipe found here 
(Note: we substituted with raw sugar and wholemeal flour, to make ourselves feel healthier) :-)

Carter making his own fun, as I unpacked suit cases, he played in them.

My little princess fresh & clean, end of the day.

photos help me reflect on the good, what helps you?

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Taking a break from packing.

We are currently up to our ears in boxes! ... After 6 years we are moving, from the flat we've been in since we got married!  That's kinda of a milestone right?
 During my life I have moved around A LOT... and I don't think I have actually lived anywhere for a period of time that long, Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to the move, however i just thought I would take a moment to record as its a big deal for us.
We are staying in a similar area, just moving into a little house with extra space, now that our little family has expanded. :-)

So with packing going on during this week and boxes piling up around us, Carter was going a little stir crazy so we decided to do some art and get out for a walk.

 For some reason he felt the need to bring his construction hat along! lol

And then once back at home, I managed to get Carter to sit long enough to take a photo of him and Lacey together. 

They are getting so big fast. 
I just wanted to stop and enjoy looking some photos for a minute.


Friday, 24 January 2014

She's Rollin'

Yesterday I dressed Lacey in her 'super baby' onesie. She must have felt extra special because then out of no-where She ROLLED OVER!.. 
As a mummy these little milestones are very exciting. 
I was just giving her some tummy time and noticed that she was really trying to roll.. I grabbed my camera (which is never far away) and she just did it.. first time.

My clever little Super Baby.

She also decided she could put her dummy in and out which was very cute.


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Just do what you can today!

I've had A LOT going on this last week, and just haven't been able to justify the time to sit down at the computer to record a post. I haven't been able to do it from my phone either, because well I've been having trouble with it.. again
 (storey of my life it seems LOLSo this has also meant that, I'm behind in my "photo a day" pics for January as it hasn't been letting me.

I have finally come to know that, I'm pretty much never going to catch up on past posts because life always keeps moving forward and doesn't stay still or wait for you (DUH)

Today I allowed myself to stop - record the now & move on, I wont get held up on the fact that I've missed out on posts I wanted to do and photos I wanted to record, but it's OK! and if for some reason I get more "Spare Time" :-) I will go back and finish the others.

So today's picture is simply ...

 Oh wait this record couldn't be complete with out some reminders to myself, 
of what beautiful little spirits my children are & we are so very lucky to have them....
NO Sleep and ALL!!! :-)


Friday, 17 January 2014

Teeeny Tiny Tails...

Our baby girl's hair is now long enough to put most of it up in a tiny baby pony tail. 
I love it because when her crazy hair is away from her face, you can see how beautiful she is ... also you get to see her super blonde roots.

I must admit I never thought I would have a little blonde hair blue eyed baby but 
am loving it.. we are not sure if she will stay blonde, but will enjoy it while it lasts.
Enjoying some Sofie Giraffe time & Happy baby post nap hair.


Monday, 13 January 2014

Peeling Pods ... WHAAT?

I've come to realise that this particular time in our lives is one step forward and two steps back. I'm happy to say that today was one of those forwards steps kind of day, nothing big or super special, things just went smoothly which was a nice change.

Something that made me smile today was spending some one on one time with Carter. So  after daddy came home from work he stayed in and settled baby Lacey for me and I took Carter out for a walk to burn off some energy before bed (as he'd had a late nap)

The weather had cooled down so it was a nice evening. We first played with some bubbles which are always a crowd pleaser. Then took a short walk up and down the street. I had wanted to get him to walk further so he would be super tired :-) but he had found some kind of flower pods on the ground and was determined to sit and peel them all, he spent like 15-20 mins at least. I literally couldn't get him to do anything else once he found these. 

 He was so focused on them it was quite amusing really. 

I'll have to remember these little things when I need him to sit still in future. 
I should collect some up and keep in a jar lol...


Sunday, 12 January 2014


You've probably heard these quotes before many times, and usually in a joking manner, 
However when you really think about it, they really do make sense and are so true.

We are tried and tested so many times through-out our life, that's just the way life is and just like a muscle in the body, in order for it to grow stronger and be bigger & better you have to work it out and allow it to stretch beyond normal everyday usage. 
(excuse my lame Anatomy lesson, I'm sure you get what I mean)

It then rests and finds a way to repair its self and become stronger than it was previously.... 
I believe that those tests and trials we come across are also to make US stronger.

But when the storms pass, you see the brighter tomorrow.

A little reminder for myself.... I Hope this helps someone else today too.


Saturday, 11 January 2014

Photo a day update

Here is the latest pics from the 'January Photo a day Challenge', as mentioned in an earlier post of mine. (read here) 

Day 3. My Town
Main Street of Epping, not to interesting but didn't get anywhere else that day.

Day 4. Word to live by
Says it all

Day 5. Found
Missed this day, didn't find anything new.

Day 6. Happens every day
Read, Watch or Play 'StarWars' in our house.

Day 7. Upside Down
The things we do for a photo! lol

Day 8. Lucky Number
Also missed this day. Couldn't find a lucky number

Day 9. Natural 
My baby girl is a 'Natural' Beauty

Day 10. Man Made
'Pizza' night in our house this day

Day 11. looking down
reading to the kiddies, looking down at the book and their cute hands and feet.
