Somedays things just click.. things seem to make more sense & perhaps not the first time in your life, but at a time when you just needed it to stand out.
Today is one of those days ...
Sometimes it just takes the right person, in the right moment, to remind us.
It's sooo true that if you surround yourself with good, uplifting people and do good, uplifting things, it can lift your mood, it can change the way you're feeling and even the way you think... (there's a saying, something like this!)
Its also a great reminder, that generally we dont have bad days as such, but perhaps bad moments. And that is ok... As long as you can find a way to move past that moment and see the joy in the rest of the day. I guess what I am trying to say is, just change your thinking.
I'm a visual person, so I enjoy seeing things written down, or explained via an object lesson :-)back when I was working in the office, I would have little post-it-notes all over my desk or printed quotes to help inspire and motivate me throughout the day/week.
So I figured I would snag some cute quotes off the net and share with others who may be wondering/thinking the same things.
RIGHT!... Have you ever had these thoughts or feelings?...
Do you ever hold yourself back or put yourself down by using that terrible word
My sister once taught me a lesson many years ago, that "Should" isn't something we need in our vocab because it makes us feel bad and gives us unrealistic expectations.. life is what what we make it, not what something "Should be" (if that makes sense??)
Just remember even if you do have a bad day, that tomorrow can be different. Often after those bad days we see good things we didnt see before, but were always there.
So I figured I would snag some cute quotes off the net and share with others who may be wondering/thinking the same things.
Do you ever hold yourself back or put yourself down by using that terrible word
My sister once taught me a lesson many years ago, that "Should" isn't something we need in our vocab because it makes us feel bad and gives us unrealistic expectations.. life is what what we make it, not what something "Should be" (if that makes sense??)
Just remember even if you do have a bad day, that tomorrow can be different. Often after those bad days we see good things we didnt see before, but were always there.
We all know there are often things that happen which we have no control over, But we also know that what we CAN control is how we deal with what happens to us.. that is what builds our character.
So to recap my rantings of today, spend time with people and things that make you happy, turn your thinking around so you recognise a bad moment for what it is, and also find a little something you love or a fun 'project' to squeeze into your day or week.
This will help you and those around you and those 'bad days' will get less and less.
your bad moments will pass quicker and you will see that each day does infact bring many beautiful moments of joy
So to recap my rantings of today, spend time with people and things that make you happy, turn your thinking around so you recognise a bad moment for what it is, and also find a little something you love or a fun 'project' to squeeze into your day or week.
This will help you and those around you and those 'bad days' will get less and less.
your bad moments will pass quicker and you will see that each day does infact bring many beautiful moments of joy
I hope i've brought a smile to someone today.
Enjoy your day.
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