Sunday, 28 July 2013

A prince of my own.

So with all the hype & excitement of the Royal birth (who doesn't love the news of a new baby) I was watching a video of Kate and wills as the came out of the hospital and I was thinking, firstly, she may be the Princess of Cambridge but she is still a woman and would have many of the same feelings, fears and experiences as the rest of us. She still gives birth the same way, she would still feel pain, excitement and anticipation, after all she can’t magic the baby out. lol  Sure her care would have been 100 times what we could expect, but there must be so much she's feeling as a new mum that is just like the rest of us 'non Royals' every day people.

Secondly I thought WOW the pressure on her now to bring up the future king must be huge, who'd want that as a new parent, its hard enough being a first time Mum let alone marry into the Royal family and become a mother to a future King.

Anyway then I got to thinking she has the future King of England to bring up, he'll still be her baby boy, but the pressure - I wonder what that would be like on her... my thoughts then went to my little man and all those other little ones coming into the world and I realised, we all have future kings and queens to bring up really.. (Not the ones who will rule over a country or a Nation) but our little ones are our own type of Royalty; they are the leaders of tomorrow.. They are our future Engineers, Musicians, Doctors, Builders, CEO's, Farmers, Electricians etc.... Leaders of all kinds and just to bring up a good kid... A child who is happy and healthy, who is kind, caring and thoughtful who loves and values life, we ALL have that pressure and responsibility ... after all children are a reflection of their parents in some degree (if not more) aren’t they?

So Enjoy your little ones do what you can now with them and for them, for tomorrow they take off into the big wide world and make their mark...

Laura x

Friday, 7 June 2013

Chicken Sweet Corn Soup - Slowcooker Style

Hmmm Hmmm ... I was so excited about this recipe that I wanted to blog it straight away, gotta share the love I say... anyway as all mums would know sometimes it takes a few days to get around to things, so here I am finishing the post.

 The other day a friend gave me the tastiest soup recipe, which i was super excited that I MADE IT FROM SCRATCH!!... and it was also done in the slow cooker too which is a bonus cause it means more time during the day. 

 There was about 5-10 mins preparation in the morning and it was practically ready to go by dinner time... this makes me VERY HAPPY.. Thanks to my friend Kim for sharing this with me.. it was a WINNER, the perfect dinner for a chilly night.

So here it is people.. Enjoy


  • Chicken  (roughly chopped to cook easier)
  • Can of creamed corn
  • Some minced Garlic (as much or little as you like, I used 1 & 1/2 teaspoons)
  • 2 cubes of Vegetable stock (or 2 cups of liquid - and if using liquid stock and can cut down the water)
  • 1-2 cans of water
  • 1 egg
  • Either Corn Flour or Pasta noodles (for a little thickening)


Put the chicken, garlic, creamed corn and water into the slow cooker and switch on.....
It just needs as long as it takes for the chicken to cook, I put it on high for approx 4.5 hours... You can set it on low for longer if you prefer.
I added some pasta about 1/2 hour before finishing (they were a little over cooked, so would suggest putting it in just before the end)

About 15 minutes before the end added the egg
Season to your own taste

Once you think its ready, use forks to break up the chicken so its shredded and this will also help to thicken the soup.

I didn't need to use the corn flour because the pasta was enough.

and there you go.. EASY PEASY.. and tasty too...

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

House sitting success!

Over the last few weeks Hubby & I have been house sitting for his folks, who have been on holidays over-seas for a month. Their place is only about 15/20 mins from ours so it wasn't a big move, although our suburbs are almost world’s apart :-)

Their home backs onto a national park and they live in a quiet circular street, so as you could imagine the peace and quiet is something we don't get much of, living on a main street with unit buildings all around.

Just look at the beautiful views.
Foggy Mornings

Beautiful sunsets
I must admit at first suggestion of house-sitting, I wasn't 100% sure if I wanted to do it, as I am very much a person who likes to have all my own stuff at hand and although I love holidays, I don’t enjoy living out of a suitcase.
 I was wondering if it would be "too hard" with a toddler, to feel at home... you know they need so much 'Stuff' and I'm a hopeless packer.. lol ... Ryan had suggested we try it out and see how it goes, if I am not happy we can just go home again.. Smart move.

But I'm happy to say that it has been really nice, we did bring quite a bit of stuff, although I kinda brought it over gradually, as I would need something else we could pop home and pick it up.. No issues... which made me feel more comfortable to know if I needed it, I could get it.. Suffice to say after the first week, I went back less & less and was able to adapt happily with what I had. 

Lunch in the sunshine

Enjoying the sun
Carter has been very happy here, there is already enough toys and books to play with, as Nanny has all that for the many visits from Grandchildren ... so I didn't need to bring any toys. We figured it would be good to play with different things and then his toys and books would be exciting again when we eventually went home. 
He has 2 big lounge rooms to run around in, a front and back yard, a large walk in pantry (which he loves) and then there are the stairs!.. 
Oh the Stairs.. He just love Stairs and at first wanted to go up and down ALL the time.. It got a bit tiring following him to make sure he was ok.. So we decided to keep that to a minimum and kept the doors to the stairs closed.

I must admit I always thought I wanted to live in a town house with 2 storey’s and have the extra space upstairs.. BUT being Pregnant I now think.. WHY .. hahaha.. its so much work and makes me tired. If i had to carry him up to bed I have to catch my breath before I can sing him a night time song lol....

The nature & wildlife around here has been lovely too, we were able to take walks up the street and spot the wild bunny rabbits and loads of different birdies.. I've loved watching Carter stop and put his hand to his ear when he hears the birds chirping or the doggies barking.. its very cute.

A little visitor 

Its lovely having a garden to walk around in and not have to even get out of my PJ's if I didn't want to ... heheh.. Yes that happened many times.. At home its a process of us getting dressed, getting the pram out of the garage and heading off to the park for some simple sit in the grass enjoyment... so this has been nice... Also they have a large balcony which gets LOTS OF SUNSHINE.. so we would sit out there and have lunch on many occasions or just look out at the pool and the bush lands...  I'm deff catching up on my lack of Vitamin D here.. THANK YOU!
Looking at the Ants, listening to the birds and Gnome hunting.

So needless to say we have stayed practically the WHOLE time they have been away, which has been a nice break from our flat. Now the whole move back home is a little hard to think about.. well I mean, I am looking forward to going ‘home’ and having all my own stuff, being closer to the things I am used to and for appointments etc... but I can say I will miss having all this space and especially the peace and quiet.. (oh and the heater & dishwasher were a nice luxury)

He was a good little helper
a favourite game, falling into the case

Thank you, its been Fun :-)

Sunday, 19 May 2013

A Mothers Day Reflection

Last Sunday was Mother’s day and although I didn't feel the desire to write any thing then, we did make the effort to take some photos to record that day, and were we are in our lives... (plus I had made the effort to do my hair and get dressed so had to make it count right? lol)

Being a mother is something kinda unexplainable to someone who hasn't experienced it before. There are lots of words to describe everything a mother does but how do I explain my own feelings in a clear way?...

Being a mum has its up and downs for sure .. it has joy and times I think I will go crazy hahaha :-)
Now as I am not the most eloquent at writing beautifully (did you like that big word? it popped into my head so figured what the heck I will throw it in haha) ... I found a few quotes I liked from a little book I had been reading and I thought I could use those to explain or at least start to explain some thoughts and feelings I have...

"Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible" 

Like I mentioned in a previous post this is something you don't expect before you become a mother, you don’t really think about it.. but its so true.. You can do more than you ever thought you could & you feel more than you ever imagined.
Which leads onto....

"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know existed.."

Those 2 go hand in hand I believe.

I also liked the one which a lady named Kate Samperi stated,

“Before becoming a mother I had a hundred theories on how to bring up children, 
now I have seven children and one theory, 
especially when they least deserve to be loved"

I could totally relate to this (not the 7 children part.. YIKES).. but the about having all these ideas in your head before your baby is born, like how you want it to be and how you think you will be. It all pretty much goes out the window when the little bundle of joy is there and has ideas of its own.
I am sure there are some mothers out there who can still make it happen the way they decide, and that is awesome, I have yet to master that, as I am sure are many of you :-)

Now although I don’t believe in letting Carter run the roost, sometimes that is just how it goes to keep the sanity. If he needs a sleep and I don’t NEED to go out, then I will stay and put him to bed.. or plan around a good schedule around him (at least that’s what I am trying)

There is still things I have always wanted to instill in him and I am sure I will, but its definitely a different ball game ones it all comes into play... I guess being prepared and having lots of information and skills before hand will help in the endeavour of being a great mum.

I have recently been caught up on the fact that It is hard to be a "PERFECT MOTHER" and then I saw this quote...

 ..and it reminded me... Yeah that’s right.. Just work at being a GOOD MUM and the rest will come.. if I am always trying to be good.. Surely being Great comes shortly and who knows what after that... I also have to remember there is no "Perfect person" .. so what will make me stand out, to my little boy... The way I love him!...
And I SURELY DO!.. I love him so deeply.

A few weeks after he was born, and it was all starting to hit us, once things had settled down that this little person, this beautiful spirit NEEDED ME.. he couldn’t survive without me and my love & nurturing.. I was SO SPECIAL to him I was his lifeline.. That is something I have never had the privilege to feel before.

I remember one time I was holding him and staring down at him as I often did in awe (not only at the fact I managed to give birth to a 10.6 pound baby with a head full of hair lol..) but that he was so amazing, a little life sent from heaven to Ryan & I.
 I looked into his eyes and for the first Real time he looked into mine.. and just like that it pierced me to my heart and my eyes welled up immediately (as they are now reliving the experience).. I don’t remember all the special moments we have but that one is imprinted in my heart and my mind as one I will NEVER forget.. He knew I was his mummy and we shared a love.

I realise now that "Motherhood is ... never being number one in your list of priorities and not minding at all" ... 

Isn’t that true, our lives turn around from being about what we need.. and becoming about what our baby or family need.

One that made me smile was… "It is not easy being a mother, if it were, fathers would do it" 

Now that is not to put down fathers who do a great job and especially the single dads out there, as my brother would strongly remind me… but lets just have a laugh for a minute.. most dads can’t handle the kids like mum can, while they are little at least... when they get hard.. we mums know what they want.. we spend most of the time with them and we become the book of knowledge... Dads MUM does know best.

“Children are the anchor that hold a mother to life” SOPHOCLES

They are our whole life, and it never changes... not even when they have their own little families I see this with my own mum!  At 77 years of age and me at 34 being the youngest of 6 children, she is still invested in each and every one of us, and will never give up on any of us.

Just to finish of the quotes, one last one for you..

"A baby will make love stronger, 
Days shorter, nights longer,
Bank Balance Smaller, 
Home happier, 
Clothes dirtier,
the past forgotten
and the future worth living for"
Author Unknown.

Mothers Day 2013 / 22 weeks pregnant

Maxi Dress - Old Navy

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Exciting news for us to share

Finally I am getting this post written.
Yes we have some exciting news to share and what I didn't mention in my last post is that ....

Baby number 2 is on the way!!!

We are super excited to be expecting another little bundle of joy and although I have gone through a full circle of emotions, I am very excited for Carter to have a little brother or sister and addition to our little family.

Although we have noticed recently, that Carter has been extra clingy with me and not quite as much his happy go lucky little self... At first we thought it was a habit he'd gotten into the last couple of weeks when he was sick and we had to snuggle him all the time... 
but I've heard that often a toddler will sense when mummy is expecting a new baby and they become super sensitive... Has anyone else had experience with this?... got any tips?.. Because his not wanting to sleep on his own is driving me crazy. 

This pregnancy is also different in that last time I was excited and a little scared of the Unknown ... however this time there is a lot of hesitation of the 'KNOWN' .... I didn't really 'enjoy' child birth (who does) or more so the recovery after, so am little nervous about all that... and unlike last pregnancy when I could do practically nothing, just rest, relax and enjoy the benefits of "Being Pregnant"... this time with my demanding beautiful active little boy I am tired, sleep deprived and some days almost forget I am pregnant... until I look down of course and see my HUGE growing belly.. LOL

Oh yeah and when people say, "you pop out quicker second time around' that is an understatement.. I swear people look at me and think, wow not long to go! .. but hello we are only half way there...

I was a little disappointed that we didn't get a clearer scan of baby.. however some cute arms and legs.. Ryan is pleased at the leg muscle definition on our little one hahaha

Any guesses if you think its a Girl or Boy?? ... 
I'll let you know at our next scan.... hopefully :-)

Friday, 3 May 2013

Finding Strength...

This quote has been on my mind over the last few days...

See my little man has been sick this week, very high temperature and not sleeping. I have had to cuddle him practically all night, with short snippets of sleep.. (once he is quiet i can settle onto the couch and relax, but when i try to move him or put him down he wakes up and cry's)... and because I knew he was sick and couldn't help it there was a calmness that came over me, along with this quote which kept repeating in my head.

It made me happy & reassured to know that when I needed it most, and because I couldn't normally do it on my own I was given the strength and comfort i needed to help my baby boy.

See to back up a little.. usually if a day comes around when i cant get carter to sleep during the day, I really struggle with it because i am usually tired, in need of a break and i really want my daily nap.. :-).. I don't deal with it so well & usually poor Ryan receives a stressed out message from me, cause for some reason it helps to vent my frustration. 

So yesterday afternoon which was after the 3rd night in a row of no sleeping, I was thinking to myself.. WOW I am really dealing with this Surprisingly well. 

However last night after getting up for the 3rd time by 2am I pretty much hit a wall!!!  
I knew Carter was on the mend as his temp had come down. I was so tired and sore and just wanted to sleep so bad... I had tried to put off waking Ryan, because he had to work and he already does so much, i didn't want to wake him if i could deal with it... 

I came back to bed at 2.30am after finally settling Carter into his bed and as I laid down I felt a gentle hand on my back and a quite voice, "are you ok?" ... No i said, ... My hubby simply said "let me take the next one, you get some rest" 
I was so grateful for his understanding and gentleness.  
I was so tired.

I heard Carter wake up not long later, Ryan quickly got up and attended to him. All went silent and I fell off into sleep mode.. it felt soo good.

luckily for Ryan, he only had to give carter a bottle and there is a calmness about his nature that seems to settle Carter quickly when I cant (we each have our times i guess)... After that we all slept through until 6.30/7 which was GREAT considering that last few days. 

We were also blessed to have a lovely friend drop over a meal for us which was an added bonus and a huge help too. 

Its been a long week, but also an enlightening one which for me is a good thing.. I need to try focus on seeing the positives in each day a lot more.

Today I'm so grateful for my beautiful baby boy and my wonderful Husband.

Hoping for a full nights sleep tonight... 

Good Night all!


Monday, 29 April 2013

My cooking adventures this week.

Well if you know me well.. you will know I am not a very good cook nor am I a regular cook lol, much to my husbands dismay and his hard work to pick up the slack (in all fairness he is a great cook, I snagged a winner there)

So anyway every now and then I get a boost of cooking enthusiasm and want to get back in the kitchen. I do find it hard with a 19 month old who wants to be with mummy all the time but with a hot oven it gets a little tricky... thank you ABC kids for a little relief there :-)

Anyway so this week I tried a few NEW things...

1. Roasted Pumpkin Risotto
Which I was pretty impressed at, as my very first attempt some time ago was a bit of a disaster.. this time was much better. 
A tip for anyone who wants to try it.. just be sure to take it off the heat before all the stock is gone cause it will go a little gluggy. (my reminder for next time, as a little more creamier would have been nicer)

I kind of worked off 2 recipes to make it work better for me .... 
(although i didn't have the pesto because i had forgotten to get it)

2. Cream of chicken soup 
(i had tried this one at my sister in-laws recently and really like it.. Thanks Anni).. it was an easy and quick one and was really yummy. My effort was not quite as yummy.. a little more practise and better veggie cutting skills needed but all the same was pretty good. 
(sorry forgot to take a picture of mine, here is an image from the taste recipe)

3. pumpkin scones
 My first attempt at scones ever I think.. hahaha.. yeah hello prob one of the easiest things to make and I have left it this long. They worked out pretty good although next time I would fix the size (they were a little too small) and also watch the oven temp but otherwise not a bad effort.. (Hubby ate them, so that is a good sign) :-)

This may be the last cooking exercise for a week or so hehehe. but hopefully not...

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Life is a roller coaster!

I've found there are so many amazing blogs out there. They are interesting and so well written, by friends and strangers & I just stop & think WOW, and when sometimes I'm excited to keep going with mine & make it better, often I get a little discouraged because I cant seem to..

 (A) keep this regular .... or AT ALL the last few months 
(B) I'm hopeless at writing! .. I've always struggled with starting to write any piece of work.. 
I just wish I could record our life beautifully like so many others, I tend to get excited and motivated to start something and then it falls by the wayside. Life just gets on top of me and I forget to continue the things I love.. (loss off passion?... maybe lack of willingness? or simply just too tired to think straight)

Anyway that's how I've been feeling lately, and then I get down because events pass and I don't record them. Then it seems too hard to go back and write about it later.. its seems to be a cycle.

SO anyway I guess I just need to keep trying, no one can do it for or me sadly..

this is speaking directly to me...
So things have to change right...

I must say I AM amazed and in Awe, of all those I follow that manage to be amazing mothers and wives, make their house a home, cook and clean for their families, fulfill work commitments and or callings and continue to write for their own blogs.  

Well done!! You should be proud of yourselves, I honestly don't know how you do it!  You all have special talents.

Well here I go one again trying to motivate myself to find time and be "more"... Pull up my socks and as my hubby likes to joke with me sometimes.. "SUCK IT UP PRINCESS" :-)  

I really want to record special times with my family even if its just a nice photo (so it doesn't just get lost in the hundreds on the computer.
You'll probably find random older posts pop up eventually as I need to have them in date order (my memory is not so good these days)

quotes thanks to Google images
On a lighter note, ... Today is ANZAC DAY.. OH how I love being an Australian and living in this beautiful country, I am so greatful for all those who fight and have fought for our country.We are so lucky and blessed. 

I also enjoy the fun of Anzac day Football! ... Now I will admit, I am not a die hard supporter that knows everything but I do enjoy the fun of this particular game because its my footy team (& most of my family) against My hubbys team (and most of his family) .. so its always a good laugh no matter who wins...

But HAPPILY THE BOMBERS WON TODAY but a whopping 40+ points.. isnt that great.. Hubby was not so happy but it was fun to be the winning team all the same...

Of course I always try to get right into the spirit of things like this and dress the part... And because i was the one to dress Carter he was black and red hahaha.. In all fairness he did have his Collingwood jumper with him and socks on for Daddys sake.