Sunday, 19 May 2013

A Mothers Day Reflection

Last Sunday was Mother’s day and although I didn't feel the desire to write any thing then, we did make the effort to take some photos to record that day, and were we are in our lives... (plus I had made the effort to do my hair and get dressed so had to make it count right? lol)

Being a mother is something kinda unexplainable to someone who hasn't experienced it before. There are lots of words to describe everything a mother does but how do I explain my own feelings in a clear way?...

Being a mum has its up and downs for sure .. it has joy and times I think I will go crazy hahaha :-)
Now as I am not the most eloquent at writing beautifully (did you like that big word? it popped into my head so figured what the heck I will throw it in haha) ... I found a few quotes I liked from a little book I had been reading and I thought I could use those to explain or at least start to explain some thoughts and feelings I have...

"Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible" 

Like I mentioned in a previous post this is something you don't expect before you become a mother, you don’t really think about it.. but its so true.. You can do more than you ever thought you could & you feel more than you ever imagined.
Which leads onto....

"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know existed.."

Those 2 go hand in hand I believe.

I also liked the one which a lady named Kate Samperi stated,

“Before becoming a mother I had a hundred theories on how to bring up children, 
now I have seven children and one theory, 
especially when they least deserve to be loved"

I could totally relate to this (not the 7 children part.. YIKES).. but the about having all these ideas in your head before your baby is born, like how you want it to be and how you think you will be. It all pretty much goes out the window when the little bundle of joy is there and has ideas of its own.
I am sure there are some mothers out there who can still make it happen the way they decide, and that is awesome, I have yet to master that, as I am sure are many of you :-)

Now although I don’t believe in letting Carter run the roost, sometimes that is just how it goes to keep the sanity. If he needs a sleep and I don’t NEED to go out, then I will stay and put him to bed.. or plan around a good schedule around him (at least that’s what I am trying)

There is still things I have always wanted to instill in him and I am sure I will, but its definitely a different ball game ones it all comes into play... I guess being prepared and having lots of information and skills before hand will help in the endeavour of being a great mum.

I have recently been caught up on the fact that It is hard to be a "PERFECT MOTHER" and then I saw this quote...

 ..and it reminded me... Yeah that’s right.. Just work at being a GOOD MUM and the rest will come.. if I am always trying to be good.. Surely being Great comes shortly and who knows what after that... I also have to remember there is no "Perfect person" .. so what will make me stand out, to my little boy... The way I love him!...
And I SURELY DO!.. I love him so deeply.

A few weeks after he was born, and it was all starting to hit us, once things had settled down that this little person, this beautiful spirit NEEDED ME.. he couldn’t survive without me and my love & nurturing.. I was SO SPECIAL to him I was his lifeline.. That is something I have never had the privilege to feel before.

I remember one time I was holding him and staring down at him as I often did in awe (not only at the fact I managed to give birth to a 10.6 pound baby with a head full of hair lol..) but that he was so amazing, a little life sent from heaven to Ryan & I.
 I looked into his eyes and for the first Real time he looked into mine.. and just like that it pierced me to my heart and my eyes welled up immediately (as they are now reliving the experience).. I don’t remember all the special moments we have but that one is imprinted in my heart and my mind as one I will NEVER forget.. He knew I was his mummy and we shared a love.

I realise now that "Motherhood is ... never being number one in your list of priorities and not minding at all" ... 

Isn’t that true, our lives turn around from being about what we need.. and becoming about what our baby or family need.

One that made me smile was… "It is not easy being a mother, if it were, fathers would do it" 

Now that is not to put down fathers who do a great job and especially the single dads out there, as my brother would strongly remind me… but lets just have a laugh for a minute.. most dads can’t handle the kids like mum can, while they are little at least... when they get hard.. we mums know what they want.. we spend most of the time with them and we become the book of knowledge... Dads MUM does know best.

“Children are the anchor that hold a mother to life” SOPHOCLES

They are our whole life, and it never changes... not even when they have their own little families I see this with my own mum!  At 77 years of age and me at 34 being the youngest of 6 children, she is still invested in each and every one of us, and will never give up on any of us.

Just to finish of the quotes, one last one for you..

"A baby will make love stronger, 
Days shorter, nights longer,
Bank Balance Smaller, 
Home happier, 
Clothes dirtier,
the past forgotten
and the future worth living for"
Author Unknown.

Mothers Day 2013 / 22 weeks pregnant

Maxi Dress - Old Navy


  1. Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know existed.."
    i love that one : )

    1. Hey Kim, I am glad you enjoyed the quotes. Thanks for reading. xx

  2. I totally agree with kimberly. I really enjoyed reading your post Lawzy, I absolutely loved the quote about not being the "perfect' mother but million ways to be a 'good one'. That's what I have always struggled with, so thank you for the reminder their is no perfect mother just trying our best to be a good one is enough. love you, think your doing an amazing job. xxx

    1. Thanks Anni, Glad you enjoyed the quotes too, yeah I really thought they hit the spot. :-) xx
