Thursday 25 April 2013

Life is a roller coaster!

I've found there are so many amazing blogs out there. They are interesting and so well written, by friends and strangers & I just stop & think WOW, and when sometimes I'm excited to keep going with mine & make it better, often I get a little discouraged because I cant seem to..

 (A) keep this regular .... or AT ALL the last few months 
(B) I'm hopeless at writing! .. I've always struggled with starting to write any piece of work.. 
I just wish I could record our life beautifully like so many others, I tend to get excited and motivated to start something and then it falls by the wayside. Life just gets on top of me and I forget to continue the things I love.. (loss off passion?... maybe lack of willingness? or simply just too tired to think straight)

Anyway that's how I've been feeling lately, and then I get down because events pass and I don't record them. Then it seems too hard to go back and write about it later.. its seems to be a cycle.

SO anyway I guess I just need to keep trying, no one can do it for or me sadly..

this is speaking directly to me...
So things have to change right...

I must say I AM amazed and in Awe, of all those I follow that manage to be amazing mothers and wives, make their house a home, cook and clean for their families, fulfill work commitments and or callings and continue to write for their own blogs.  

Well done!! You should be proud of yourselves, I honestly don't know how you do it!  You all have special talents.

Well here I go one again trying to motivate myself to find time and be "more"... Pull up my socks and as my hubby likes to joke with me sometimes.. "SUCK IT UP PRINCESS" :-)  

I really want to record special times with my family even if its just a nice photo (so it doesn't just get lost in the hundreds on the computer.
You'll probably find random older posts pop up eventually as I need to have them in date order (my memory is not so good these days)

quotes thanks to Google images
On a lighter note, ... Today is ANZAC DAY.. OH how I love being an Australian and living in this beautiful country, I am so greatful for all those who fight and have fought for our country.We are so lucky and blessed. 

I also enjoy the fun of Anzac day Football! ... Now I will admit, I am not a die hard supporter that knows everything but I do enjoy the fun of this particular game because its my footy team (& most of my family) against My hubbys team (and most of his family) .. so its always a good laugh no matter who wins...

But HAPPILY THE BOMBERS WON TODAY but a whopping 40+ points.. isnt that great.. Hubby was not so happy but it was fun to be the winning team all the same...

Of course I always try to get right into the spirit of things like this and dress the part... And because i was the one to dress Carter he was black and red hahaha.. In all fairness he did have his Collingwood jumper with him and socks on for Daddys sake.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post! You need to cut yourself some slack. You don't see what goes on behind closed doors. It may look perfect from outside, just remember no ones perfect. Don't compare just embrace who you are. I think you are an amazing person, mother & wife, so dedicated. Their are so many qualities I admire in you. Ryan and Carter are so lucky they have you!! Love you sis xx

    1. thanks Anni, I know i need to be more positive with myself and dont know what others are going through.. but that is also my point, everyone has their own challenges and trials and yet still manage to do fun things with their kids.. I have a lot of improvement to do. I guess its all a learning process... maybe by the time 4 kids come along (hahah ok maybe not that many) i will be more organised...
      I need someone to come organise me and my home and then i can just continue.. haha
      love ya xx

  2. I love your blog : ) love the honestly and completely feel the same way I think i only wrote on mine like 4 times last year haha. keep it up laud and p,s instagram is the best way to record all the important and fun things you don't want to forget haha.

    1. Thanks Kim, the pregnancy hormones were kicking my butt this week obviously... but wanted to express myself somehow.. Thanks for letting me know you started slow.. I will keep my chin up and post when i can.. maybe in 12 months i will be much better at it.. thats if i dont give up.. haha..Yeah insta is great for photos i always wanna put photos of Carter up because if my phone dies (which is does alot) then I will always have those ones...
      See ya soon xx
