Saturday 2 February 2013

Lollipops Play land = WINNER!

It has been a rainy couple of days and we needed to get out of the house. Carter and I were both going a little nuts being stuck in our flat, So when our friends Rin & Bec said they were taking Sage to Lollipops playland today and asked if Carter would like to come we jumped at the opportunity.

I'd heard about Lollipops playland before but had never been (cause I mean its not really the kind of place you randomly hang out at if you don't have kids, so until now there was no need :-) hehe) ... anyway I'd always thought it was for bigger kids but happily there was a junior section for 0-3 year olds and the main feature of that section was a "Ball Pit"

My boy was in BALL HEAVEN!!!! 

You should have seen him, he was swimming in them, crawling on them, throwing them around .. I'd never seen him so excited and every time a  bigger kid jumped into the ball pit (balls going everywhere) he thought it was the funniest thing ever.

It made me happy to see him enjoying himself so much ... it really was a great day.

Lollipops Play land, we'll definitely be back! 


  1. I didn't know you had a blog, that is awesome! And I've spent maaaaany a day at almost every lolipops in NSW, my goodness! They are pretty handy, especially on rainy days!

    Carter is beautiful as ever.

    1. Thank you, yes we think he is gorgeous hahaha.. not byass at all.. Yeah i was so impressed at that place, great invention...
      Yep started a blog.. although have been really slack with it.. kinda defeats the purpose.. but am once again trying to get ontop of it... come back again and check it out.

  2. He's so cute... love that second photo of him lost in the pit

    1. Haha thanks.. yeah there was so many i loved, found it hard to pick a few.. lol.. your little one is just GORGEOUS!...

  3. love the photos : ) and isn't lollipops the BEST

    1. i loved the play centre days! loads of fun. glad carter had fun. now you know where to go on a rainy day!

    2. Yep Kimmi, it sure is.. we should meet there one day when you are free.. its kind in the middle of us right??
