Monday 29 April 2013

My cooking adventures this week.

Well if you know me well.. you will know I am not a very good cook nor am I a regular cook lol, much to my husbands dismay and his hard work to pick up the slack (in all fairness he is a great cook, I snagged a winner there)

So anyway every now and then I get a boost of cooking enthusiasm and want to get back in the kitchen. I do find it hard with a 19 month old who wants to be with mummy all the time but with a hot oven it gets a little tricky... thank you ABC kids for a little relief there :-)

Anyway so this week I tried a few NEW things...

1. Roasted Pumpkin Risotto
Which I was pretty impressed at, as my very first attempt some time ago was a bit of a disaster.. this time was much better. 
A tip for anyone who wants to try it.. just be sure to take it off the heat before all the stock is gone cause it will go a little gluggy. (my reminder for next time, as a little more creamier would have been nicer)

I kind of worked off 2 recipes to make it work better for me .... 
(although i didn't have the pesto because i had forgotten to get it)

2. Cream of chicken soup 
(i had tried this one at my sister in-laws recently and really like it.. Thanks Anni).. it was an easy and quick one and was really yummy. My effort was not quite as yummy.. a little more practise and better veggie cutting skills needed but all the same was pretty good. 
(sorry forgot to take a picture of mine, here is an image from the taste recipe)

3. pumpkin scones
 My first attempt at scones ever I think.. hahaha.. yeah hello prob one of the easiest things to make and I have left it this long. They worked out pretty good although next time I would fix the size (they were a little too small) and also watch the oven temp but otherwise not a bad effort.. (Hubby ate them, so that is a good sign) :-)

This may be the last cooking exercise for a week or so hehehe. but hopefully not...


  1. Go Masterchef! Yum, I like risotto and so does Arabella, I may just check out your recipe even if Paul doesnt like risotto! Scones look yummy
    too. Well done. :)
    I just want to share some tips that makes my life easier. I have those days too when Im feeling too tired to even think about a meal. I only like anything that's quick , easy n healthy. We used to do 1 night a week a take away. We dont that anymore, Instead I make it an easy dinner night. Baked beans, omlettes, myo pizza, taco etc... whatever you fancy. Also when you are making a meal that takes a bit more effort do it in a bigger portion size, so then you can put leftovers in the freezer. So when your having those days, like we all do! no stress meal in freezer.
    Meal planning is the key, it makes it much easier an not such a burden. Hope this helps xxx

  2. ha ha Thanks Anni, you would actually crack up if you knew how often we actually have those easy type meals.. my poor hubby lol... he lucked out with the domestic goddess department.. We do need to make bigger meals... usually we eat them for left overs the next day or so (ryan will take to work for lunch to save money on buying lunch), but would be better to make it slightly bigger again and freeze it.
    THanks for checking in. xx
