Monday, 12 June 2017

Wet weather bush walks with Daddy

WOW it sure has been a long time since I posted last... there are 100's of excuses why not... but finally I am just moving forward.

On Saturday Lacey and Jensen (A.k.a "Flash")  went for a little bush walk with Daddy.  

It was a little wet although not really raining.. so they put on their gumboots, which they love to do because they know that means they can jump in puddles... they grabbed their new umbrellas, (Lacey's is princesses and Jensen has a Spiderman one) and they excitedly set off.

 They walked down a big hill down to the river and over the bridge. there was lots of water in the river as it had been raining the last couple of days. 
They Didn't see any Crocodiles or Bears :-)  hahaha 
(Daddy said to look out for them just in case, as Jensen loves bears at the moment especially Baloo from the Jungle Book) ... 

However they did see lots of cockatoos and heard lots of birds.

It was a fun morning. Lacey & Jensen love bush walks.